As I read and come across interesting pieces, I'll share them. Blogging seems like the only adequate way to do so. This particular photo is a page 111 of James Beller's 'America in Crimson Red,' an excellent read thus far on colonial America with regards to religious persecution. The type of material you won't hear in secular circles, of course.
What you see here is the 'conviction list' of George Whitefield, a preacher God used in the Great Awakening. You'll notice that I wrote 'amazing,' in the margin. What is amazing to me is the simple wisdom that godly men use in order to be used.
I'm going to work on a list of sorts, or even just hold on to Whitefield's. One particular change I'm making in my own life is to not get into my bed until midnight. You'll notice that #11 on his list has the question 'Temperate in sleep?' A simple reminder and adjustment in this area I believe will help me be a better husband, dad, and preacher. As Colossians 4:5 reminds us, we are to 'Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.'