I don't know how many times I have heard the saying, "did you see on Facebook?" Usually, the quote is reserved for slapstick, scandal, or cat memes. Lately, however, I've been encouraged, and I want to encourage you also to see that Facebook and social media in general CAN BE a WONDERFUL TOOL for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We Christians can be guilty of identifying anything that is new or different as inherently evil. Though we don't have any sort of biblical reasoning to bring us to this conclusion, we feel that it is safer (or worse, more "spiritual") to avoid change. There is wisdom in pausing to pray and consider the profitability of a thing, but to utterly dismiss it on the grounds of being different than what I am used to is folly.
Another problem we face is the notion that because somebody's cousin is using (in this case) social media in a poor way then we should abstain from it. I have heard from some second amendment heralds these sentiments:
"Guns don't kill people, people kill people,"and "Social media creates so many problems, I don't think Christians should be using it."
Consider the statements and the inconsistent thought processes. Social media doesn't create problems. People create problems.
We can in this instance curse the darkness or penetrate it. Why don't we instead purpose to use the tools before us to further the gospel, give glory to God whenever opportunity presents itself, and keep our friends and followers tuned in to what great things are going on in our church, or what prayer needs exist? Why not encourage and edify instantly and for free?
The collage above is a small representation of the good things I have seen in the past week, specifically with the advent of Facebook Live, a live-streaming (imagine that!) service to the world's largest audience.
1) Recently, Pastor Todd Bell of Calvary Baptist in Sanford, Maine, began using Facebook Live in the mornings at 6a for a short, encouraging devotional. We can be challenged!
2) Pastor David Peterman of Breakwater Baptist in Rockland, Maine, gave us a tour of the facility God has provided for their church. We can give God the glory for that!
3) Pastor Josh Lovelace, of Truth Baptist in Jefferson told us of an evangelistic opportunity through a little league baseball barbecue! We need to pray for him!
4) We at South Liberty promoted our Vacation Bible School through this and the Elisha Cabin Prophet's Chamber ministry. And, no, I'm not dressed as a Blue Pope.
These four recent examples are small yet powerful demonstrations as to what could be done, perhaps instead of the vain and unprofitable uses which are often found. Ahem... cat memes...
And, while we're in the vein of vain... Pastor Mike Britt of Topsham Baptist offered this counsel for we Facebook Live users:
PSA: This is a public service announcement: I know Facebook lets people go live now, and that's great. I might take...
Posted by Michael Britt on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Onward and upward.