Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Give Me A Convenient Time, Jesus

What a powerful Scripture. Observe:

Paul preached toward the mind and heart of Felix. He "reasoned," which means that he discussed thoroughly in discussion or argumentation. Felix was brought to the point of understanding. Paul preached the Scriptures, and three things of note, righteousness (salvation!), temperance, (a fruit of the Spirit for the believer!), and judgment to come (Eternal Life and Death!).

Having taught these things thoroughly in progression and balance, there was a response from Felix: he "trembled." There is no person above the conviction of the truth. Nobody. His response was fear, because he understood what was before him was no myth or empty man-made system, it was of God.

Yet, the grace of God toward Felix was not irresistible. And, he asked for more time, a more "convenient season." If you have read this far you have been where Felix is. We have all been there. Perhaps in the area of salvation, or obedience prompted by the person of the Holy Spirit, or when admonished to do more for the Eternal Kingdom. From our hearts and out our lips we speak to the Creator and Saviour of the world "not now, later."

I finish simply with this: there may not be later for us, friend. There may not be a time more "convenient" for you, brother or sister. We read in the next two verses that the heart of Felix was turned toward mammon and personal advantage. We do not know if Felix found his "convenient season." We do not know if we will be offered by grace an additional "convenient season."

If the Lord Jesus Christ is not your Saviour, then today is the day to believe. If you are a born-again child of God, then today is the day to obey your King.

#meditate #meditatelonger #meditatedeeper #searchtheScriptures

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