Thursday, November 28, 2013

Christmas List? How About A Thanksgiving List?

Already, many of us have "Christmas Lists." What about a "Thanksgiving List?" We are commanded in I Thessalonians 5:18, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

At the breakfast table this morning, we Colburns took time to talk about what we are thankful for this year. Here is our less-that-comprehensive-but-more-than-cursory list.

  1. We are thankful for our family!
  2. We are thankful for the church family!
  3. We are thankful for the Bible!
  4. We are thankful for our house, that God provided for us!
  5. We are thankful for God's protection!
  6. We are thankful for our garden that God helped us plant!
  7. We are thankful for the tractor that God gave us!
  8. We are thankful for the growth we have seen in our church family!
  9. We are thankful for our two cats, Wally and Olivia!
  10. We are thankful for good health!
  11. We are thankful for our chickens! (Which are in the freezer).
  12. We are thankful for our bull, Flash! (Which will soon be in the freezer).
  13. We are thankful for the wood boiler and trees that keep our house warm!
  14. We are thankful for the trials that purify us!
  15. We are thankful for fellowship with good friends!
  16. We are thankful for Juddy-Poo, but not Juddy's Poo!
  17. We are thankful to have celebrated Amanda's one-year spiritual birthday, this past July 1!
  18. We are thankful for soft beds to sleep in!
  19. We are thankful for the essential oils we have learned about, that have improved our family's health!
  20. We are thankful for the natural resources that our property has, (apples, blueberries, wood, raspberries)!
That list took all of ten minutes to produce. Take time to give thanks, on Thanksgiving.

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