Friday, November 1, 2013

Scriptural Evidence Indicating Facial Hair is Wrong

<Click Here For The Follow Up Article.>

I've done a bit of research here on the issue of facial hair. When I went to college we men students were to be clean shaven, with nary an 11 o'clock shadow permitted. As I've grown up and as God has brought me to South Liberty Baptist to pastor, I of course, want to be as obedient to the Scriptures as I can.

Therefore the tiniest of minutiae, the most insignificant of details are important to me.

With that in mind, I would like to present to you the compilation and list of Scripture references that have led me to believe that it is wrong, (i.e. ungodly or sinful), for a pastor, preacher, or man of God (per your acceptable descriptor) to have facial hair (i.e., a "goatee," beard, etc.)

List of Scripture verses against facial hair:

Have a good day. :)


  1. Those are wonderful Scriptures. Where did you get them from ?

  2. Lev 19:27, 2 Sam 10:4-5, 19:24, I Chron 19:4-5, II Sam 20:9, Ezra 9:3, Isa 7:20, Jer 41:5, Ezek 5:1 all intimate that facial hair was accepted and worn by even "Holy men of God". Moses gave us Lev 19:27, Saul's son had a beard and David's servants had a beard. Apparently Ezekiel had a beard. While facial hair is unsightly, apparently it isn't forbidden and AT LEAST in Leviticus, was required NOT to be tampered with. So while the Bible doesn't say you can NOT wear a beard, we are told that prophets such as Ezekiel DID wear a beard, intimating that it is not forbidden since he was one of the "holy" men of God "moved" by the Holy Ghost.

  3. I'm been told by more than one person that anything that helps hide this ugly face, including a beard or goatee, is a good thing. :)

  4. I memorized everyone of those verses in my collegiate days!


  5. Must be having a slow spiritual day

    1. Please note the date and then read the post he actually wrote today. Praise the Lord for spiritual growth!

  6. I was scared for a,minute there

  7. They pulled the beard from His face...

    1. Yeah they pulled his beard out. He sure didn't shave it.

  8. Nothing was listed to prove that facial hair is wrong..guess that was the point, huh? I personally do NOT Like facial hair!! A mustache is okay but all this putting a little bit here and a little bit there and long shaggy beards not kept neat etc. What is even worse is men who have just a little beard which makes them look dirty, 9 o'clock shadow and in some cases 12 o'clock shadows. I know my opinion doesn't matter but my husband was always clean was tough having to shave every day but he did. I guess it is easier on the guys to have beards but they MUST be kept trimmed and clean with no food sticking to them when they eat!!! AGGHHH!!!

  9. Hmm didn't Jesus Himself have facial hair?

  10. Ha ha, being the slow individual I am, I was wondering why the page wasn't displaying the scriptures. Nicely done, Chad.

  11. And you wouldn't take off those D's i got for not shaving when I did. Remember you said I should shave twice a day? Lol. It is true, though, that the Bible does not support the church philosophy of clean shaven leaders for the church. I'm glad you took a moment to point out what the Bible really says.

  12. I love this! Hilarious!

    To be fair, there was a period of time in the '50s and '60s where there was a correlation drawn by some that a beard was a veiled symbol of support for Castro or Che Guevara, and that it may be best to not sport a beard. Most reading my comments would probably say "What? That's ridiculous to think that!", and I would agree, but then again I wasn't alive in the '50s and '60s...

    But, yes, I DO wear a beard (neatly trimmed, I might add), but that's my preference, and what's most important, my wife likes it!

  13. I believe that the above verses have been taken out of context. lol

  14. Being female I do not have much facial hair and try to eliminate it when I see it in my mirror but my husband has a beard and detests shaving so we were glad to know we are not in disobedience had us scared for a mome t though

  15. Thank goodness there were no verses listed (what I thought it would be). Not only did Jesus have a beard (as evidenced in comments and references above) but so did God ... Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." AND God "create(d) man in our(Gods') image ..."

  16. I tend to rely on the vers... do unto others what ye would have them do unto you. Thus, I shave and my wife shaves. The both of us are quite content. :)

  17. Another crucial and important discussion is ... 'how many angels can sit on a pinhead'. Great observation brother.... Greetings from Africa

  18. Ive heard since Joseph shaved before going before the king (pharoah) when he was let out of prison, clean shaven is respectful to our King.
    Thats the only scripture I can come up with.
    And I dont buy it lol
    I dont facial hair tho, 90% of the time it looks terrible. Men are sure they look great, but they dont.
    Now here are the verses that women need to shave ANYthing:

    Yeah, none. Bet it wont fly tho. Men are caught up in cultural standards.
